The kite weather brought out 2 shovel flags and 5 strong men of a certain age to DaVille. While YHC is sure that it rained at No Toll this morning, the showers held off on the North Side. Abacus brought it in on 2 wheels at 5:30 (and change), barely got the car shut off and hit the ground running (literally), so the rest of the pax fell in line:
Morning jog over to middle school
X20 IC Skip jacks (?)
X10 IC little arm circles, X5 IC big arm circles. Reverso
X30 IC LBC (feet uphill)
X20 IC Carolina Dry Docks (hands downhill)
-mosey to SW corner of elementary school track for 1 round of Jacob’s ladder
-Mosey to NW corner of said track to collect tractor tires. 2 tires, 2 pairs of men. Flip said tires just once around the track. Odd man out runs a lap then tags in. Repeat until tires are both back to starting positions.
-Indian run with optional burpee back to flag(s).
-1 minute of Mary, Heels to Heaven IC X20
Chumbucket happily surprised everyone by pulling up this morning. While not really a Kotter, it is great to see him back in the rotation.
Abacus lived up to his reputation by completely dicking up the counting during SSH’s this morning, then made it all better by really leaning into the bit. Love it.
You know how awesome your Q is when he selflessly comes out the evening before to knock all the wasp nests out of the tires for the Pax. Your welcome.
Thanks to Circle K for the mumblechatter regarding the tractor tires. YHC thought it was your specialty? You do OWN a tractor tire BTW!
YHC was pleased to see the teamwork that the pax showed as a whole this morning to get both tires all the way around in the time alloted. A tire aint going to just flip itself, you know. Great showing by all this morning!
Special shout out to Baggage Claim for putting the work in this morning! Well done!
Someone fart-sacked this morning. YHC is not naming names, but let’s just say they should have been comfortable being on the North side of town.
All pax this morning in their 40’s…no loves, no hates. That’s notable, right?
As always, It is a privilege to lead this group of men.
Catch you on the flippity flop,
Lab Rat
Announcement: The FCA is holding a fund-raiser dinner on 4/21, Abacus has a table he would like to fill. The dinner will be on the Griffindorf U of R side of town. If anyone has interest, please see Abacus, he is the guy in the excessively tight shorts and tap shoes at bike/run at MM.
Way to work guys – welcome back Chum!
The FCA Dinner is going to be at the Westin. It costs nothing, but it is a fund raising dinner as Quarter is looking raise support for reaching Hanover, UofR, VUU, easthern Henrico or Christ. Call me at 804-908-5601 if your interested.
Smack my fore arms are killing me… Tires – – ugh
Glad to get back out there, buddy.
yeah, I’m having trouble with doorknobs today. Has to be good though, right?