Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Where the heck is Fudd?


8 loyal pax posted for the first WDOG workout this morning and here is how we rolled…

Warmup : DK, EW, SSH, AC

Streetlight Burpees : run the block – 1 burpee each street light.

Bear Crawl big hill – burpee @ the bottom repeat 3 times.

Repeat : Streetlight burpee back towards the park – 1 burpee each light.

Pole Smoker Indian Run : 4 pole smokers while rest of pax holds @ 6 inches

Amp Theatre : Dips ladder – working our way down the ladder 18-1.

Pull up station : 5 overhand, 5 underhand, 10 sec hold – repeat 3 times

Ring of Fire – 10 Merkins

Fire Drill stop drop and roll 1 Merkin each side – 8 times..  Followed by 20 Carolina Dry docks.

Mary : Cross leg lifts 10 each leg – 20 APD’s, 20 LBC’s, 20 American Hammer.

The scoop: As we headed through the park to warm up the pax saw Fudd coming in hot as usual… Thinking he probably saw us and would catch up to us soon we proceeded with our exercises.. Half way through the workout Fudd shows up winded from running the perimeter of Dogpile – (dude went everywhere we weren’t)… Way to keep searching Fudd love that determination but sorry that half of the workout you did by yourself – nice morning for a run though…

45 minutes @ Dogpile was tough for YHC – (so much fun stuff to do) but we squeezed it in. It felt like a winter Q this morning but we warmed up fast with the street light burpee’s and bear crawls up the hill… The pole smokers we did this time were not as dangerous as before but just as hard – lot’s of grunting during that exercise… The pax rolled through the dips ladder and attacked the pull up station where more grunts were heard… We saw the seals during a mossy towards the circle and showed them how a ring of fire was done. They watched for a few minutes then ran off – all except  1 dude who stayed and watched us complete the ring – he then ran off behind a tree to watch our Fire drill.. Either that dude is a peeping Tom or he was taking notes on how to run a group  workout ?? YHC is still hoping to coordinate an F3RVA v Seal team soon – it’s a bit difficult though cause the seals seem to begin 30 minutes after we do :)..

Thanks to the pax for coming out to the first of many WDOG workouts – great way to start the day – way to push it! Thanks also to BT for taking us out this morning.

Announcements : MM tomorrow SAAB on the Q – Circus Maximus tomorrow as well @ Godwin – Jville on the Q.

See y’all in the gloom.



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  1. Honey Do RVA on

    That was a lot in 45 min Swirly! And the PAX was so smoked there was no mumblechatter to tip off Fudd where we were. Also loved the different descending techniques on the hill, I almost barreled into Sippy at the bottom, might go with a more cautious Wedding Singer slide next time.

  2. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    A lot was packed into 45 minutes, the dip ladder was brutal! Still cannot feel my arms. Fudd makes everything an adventure. Early BRR prediction, Fudd gets lost on one of his legs. Leg he gets lost on has no turns!

  3. Damn, hated to miss it, but at least I got the back blast!

    Two things I love: Swirly railing on Seal Team, and everybody railing on Fudd! Dont worry Fudd, I’ll be at 45mom to take the heat off you.

  4. Good one, Swirly. Love this AO, and the pull up station after dip de-escalator was perfectly painful.