Four of the PAX met in the rising sun and crisp breeze – fantastic workout visibility and weather. And ideal weather for the boys’ rugby tournament on several of the gridirons to complement the Jefferson Cup girls’ soccer tournament next door at Strikers’ Park. A fair bit of rugby prep activity did not distract the PAX – here’s how it went after a short walk to the Grassy Knoll:
Slaughter Starter on the Grassy Knoll – two minutes of Burpees AMRAP
x25 Seal Jacks IC and Wall Chair against the Olde Schoolhouse
Mosey to front gridiron with x25 DQs IC and x25 IWs IC on the way
x8 endzone to endzone runs – four sets of X25 PLTs and four sets of x25 Air Squats/x25 Merkins OYO
Mosey towards Pillars with x25 Seal Jacks IC and x25 IWs IC on the way
Partner up with a Pillar and four sets of x25 Air Squats, x25 Merkins, x25 Pole Smokers HTH OYO
x25 SSHs IC
Mosey to parking lot picnic table pavilion – Dips Tabata style
Further discussion about planning a West End Thursday morning workout, likely at Godwin HS.
J’ville closed us out in prayer with heartfelt gratitude for our families.
The PAX have re-committed to kicking off the GridIron at the Grassy Knoll with Burpees. It seems the Slaughter Starter (2 minute AMRAP variety) may be preferred to the 10 for 10 approach though it was disconcerting to some that the customary warm-up prelude was dispatched — check the lexicon, gentlemen.
Very little Mumble Chatter with the exception of some early mud slinging by Atilla and White Deer concerning the length of J’ville’s running shorts. J’ville deflected the criticism, and may be contemplating a loincloth now that we’re on the eve of the Spring Equinox.
Coffeeteria at Chic-fil-a — this venue appears to be a suitable replacement to the Daily Grind for some solid 2d F, and service rendered with pleasure to boot.
Titus 1:7-9
1 Comment
Jville channeling his inner TYA. Well done! Love to see a true COP, Earthworm.