Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Six pack of Guinness – healthy version


13 RVA regulars and 1 out of towner from Charlotte took advantage of the last day of daylight in the Gloom before the time change.  It was 60 and sunny, perfect for a Dogpile beatdown:

COP: 25 SSH, 24 Merkins, 20 Flutterkicks, 20 IPs, 20 LBCs.  Modified Lindsay (up to 30 not 40) – partner up -1 PAX grabs and holds up partners legs – 1 partner does 20 Derkins then other does 10 Shoulder press, 15 & 15, 20 & 10.  Then switch partners.  Repeato.

THE THANG:   Mosey to bottom of hill past memorial – Guinness 6 pack.  Partners will do total of 125 reps while other runs up the hill to the cirlce and back(similar to Dora 1,2,3).  125 signifying calories in a bottle of Guinness. 6 being a reasonable amount of Guinness for St Pattys day later this week

First Round – Merkins , 2nd round – Boxcutters, 3rd – Jump Squats , 4th round – Carolina Dry Docks, 5th Round – Flutterkick.  Last one PAX chose to drink responsibly – only half of the last but it goes down the hardest – 65 Tuckjumps

Mosey to Pull up bars – 5 Pull ups, 10 Dips, 15 Underhand pull ups.  Repeato but increase each by 5.

Mosey to Hill for Jacobs Ladder.  Then mosey back to the flag for some Honeymoon suite to finish- APDs, Monkey Humpers, & finish on pickle pounders.  Finish with COT.

Moleskin – Great work by all today PAX. Cotters to Chum Bucket, Goldberg, and Blood Test.  Glad to have you guys back at Dogpile.  Also great to see Gumbo post to his 1st dogpile.  The Lindsay while holding the partner’s legs was not well received.  YHC was not sure if it was because of difficulty, discomfort of being heels above head for 2-3 minutes each, or a combination of both.  Or alternatively that YHC chose to not man up to a full Lindsay count of 40, not 30.  Only one way to find out, stay tuned…

TClaps for Guinness for informing RVA that he was going to be in town.  YHC took this as inspiration for the Healthy Guinness 6 pack idea.  If the PAX did not enjoy YHC’s idea then please blame Guinness. Great to have you out again and to have The Farm up this week as well.

Some of the PAX struggled to run straight after the Jump squats and the TuckJumps, even to 65, had the PAX smoked.  Saab got into a rhythm on those though and knocked them out the fastest.

Finishing with the Honeymoon suite ended up with juvenile mumblechatter, especially without Doner Kabab to demonstrate Monkey Humper technique.  I sense the need for a YouTube video demo…

Guinness shared with the PAX some facts on the brewer along with some history on Ireland. Several made it to ETs afterwards for some coffee and 2nd F while Chum went on to double dip.

For those doing the 100 mile challenge – mileage count for this AM is 2.

Announcements:  New AOs starting in April.  DaVille and W-Dog.  HDHH is this Wednesday out at Atlee for brief AO test then homebrews at the Ratskellar, aka Lab Rats place.  6 months from today the 2 BRR teams will be finishing up in Asheville. Talk to TYA if you want to join as spots are still available.



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  1. @HoneyDew, Great Beatdown this morning. The Modified Lindsay did me in right from the start. Thanks for the Guinness themed workout. Good thing Guinness doesn’t have more calories. Thanks to all the @RichmondPax for your hospitable reception today and every time I have posted with you pax. Great grabbing coffee with some of you pax at Elwood’s afterwards. Thanks again for enduring us Charlotte pax, especially @TheFarm.

  2. @Guinness, @Honey Do mentioned yesterday during the run that they were entertained by the mumblechatter following me across state lines thanks to you and @Dingo. I was waiting for the BB to return the favor but it never came. Glad there’s one today!

    What kind of man gets named Guinness, drinks an imaginary one after beatdowns, but then wind drink one real one at a Happy Hour paid for by YHC??

    Glad F3 RVA kept you out of the fartsack! You said they have great pax and they did not disappoint! I’m hearing there are a few more audits coming up in this beck of the woods. I know where to get my daily #red pill dosage if I end up back out there!

  3. You continue to top yourself Honey Do…Awesome beatdown. Loved hating just about everything we did. Good partnering with you Goose. Swirly, trying to keep up with you leaves me spent.

    Thanks to Guinness for the interesting history lesson, and for clarifying your dislike of Guinness in favor of Smithwicks.

    Between the Lindsays, Monkey Humpers, and Prom Dates I anticipate we violated at least two city ordinances regarding public decency.

  4. Well done Honeydo, yet another creative and excellent beatdown. I thought we might see Jacobs ladder today but it still wore me out at the end. Thanks to the PAX from Charlotte for keeping us company this week.

  5. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    As usual great beat down Honeydo. I was spent well in to Sunday…
    Good to see Bloodtest back in action and always a pleasure to have Guinness join us for a workout!