Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Breaking in the new trail sections


10 strong and a triple-hate FNG started their day off on the trails.  It was 40 degrees and a hint of rain as the PAX started off on Northbank.

THE THANG:  Northbank – Belle Isle – Buttermilk loop.  The PAX ran up the new section of trail on Buttermilk.

NM:  YHC was pleased to see such a great turnout this AM for the trail run.  Although the forecast called for rain overnight the trails were just about perfect and the PAX saw nobody else on the trails until Buttermilk.  Not a single biker in site, Aye!

Splinter set the pace and proceeded to burn through the trails well ahead of the PAX.  Rumor has it he had church plans and needed to knock out the miles quickly.  YHC believes after completing the 8th and final workout of the Corporate Challenge this week Splinter was heading back for some well deserved rest.  He took FNG D-Day along for the run, as D-Day being 18 can keep up.

The rest of the PAX stayed together.  It is great to see Oyster and Aisle 5 knocking out the miles consistently.  YHC was dismayed that Offshore was not wearing his platform shoes again for the run, although his duct-taped pants made up for part of it.

There were rumors of a fleet footed assassin closing in on the PAX as we moved along the trails, as Saab chased us down right at the end after being LIFO to start.  Hope the back feels better.

Topics of discussion on the main group covered respect for Rosie and Splinter for doing the full week workouts A.k.a the Corporate Challenge.  Respect to both of you, Aye! Now there needs to be a F3 RVA shirt for completing it, alongside the long awaited Double Dip shirt.  These shirts cannot be purchased, but rather earned…

Additional benefits of completing the Corporate Challenge according to the PAX:

1) 5 excused absences to be submitted to Swirly-F3C, good for 6 months

2) Early entry Hot Tub passes for the BRR after-party house

3) Guaranteed reserved double bed for BRR first night hotel

4)  Your selection of either:  A pair of TYAs short-shorts from the 70s OR Offshore’s spring shoes

5)   A better understanding of what Swirly feels like every sunday!!

Other trail run notes:  Rosie continues to grow out his beard, apparently after visiting Spain he thinks he resembles the Most Interesting Man in the World with his graying beard.  Alas no amount of gray can help you avoid Hate in the COT.  Lastly Lab Rat shared with the PAX that when he passes a runner going the other direction he looks directly at their junk, well at least for guys he does… be sure to post to DaVille to learn more. D-Day was given his name by his lack of talking, being that EF Hutton is already taken.  On second thought Bizzaro-Lab Rat could have worked as well.

YHC forgot to close out the PAX in prayer today, please forgive me.  Good work this morning men!


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  1. I don’t always workout but when I do, it’s the Corporate challenge. Enjoyed my first F3 trail run men. Well done.

  2. Honey Do RVA on

    Welcome D-Day. Labrat please make sure he knows some Animal House quotes by Dogpile or else he may get renamed.

  3. He’s on spring break from college. Let’s assume a movie from the 70s isn’t going to make the list of things to do.

  4. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Excellent BB Honeydo… Well done guys… The Corporate shirt indeed must be earned and it is under review (stay tuned).Please understand – corporate knows who will be receiving a shirt and also who wants and is working towards earning a shirt ….. Look it is this simple – if being corporate is important to you then you will give it all you’ve got – and if you give it all you’ve got all day everyday – you will be Corporate – and you will set an example for others to follow that dream of being Corporate someday.
    There are a number of benefits to being corporate – but the best benefit is that when you lay your head down each night you know you gave the day your all – not only for yourself but for the benefit of others, and that you certainly have much to be thankful for! Swirly/Corporate .