Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Listen Up Pax


When EF Hutton talks, the Pax listens.  15 Faithful were greeted with a cool, extra WET and gloomy, mostly upper body beatdown.  Here’s how it went down.


Mosey out to street and back to basketball courts for warmup COP


  • SSH x 15ish
  • Don Quixote x 15ish
  • Arm Circles F/B x 10ish
  • Russian Soldiers x 15ish
  • Mountain Climbers x 25 each leg (OYO)

In and Out (Baseline to Midcourt)

Round 1

  • Bear Crawl In, Merkins x 10
  • Crawl Bear Out, Merkins x 10
  • Repeato

Round 2

  • Forward Lunge In, Prisoner Squat x 10
  • Backward Lunge Out, Prisoner Squat x 10
  • Repeato

Round 3

  • Crab Walk In, Diamond Merkins x 10
  • Crab Walk Out, Diamond Merkins x 10
  • Repeato

Round 4

  • Step Up Burpees In

Mosey to back parking lot bleachers

Alternating Muscle Ups with Squat and Dips (20 second intervals w 10 second rest) x 3 rotations

Toppling Dominoes (derived from the Ring of Fire)

  • Line up 1 or 2 PAX per curb down the parking lot, plank left hand high, start at one end, rotate to regular plank position for Merkins x 5, hold plank through end. Next PAX and so on down the line.  Repeato starting at opposite end, right hand high.

2/3 Triple Check

  • Balls to the Wall
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Run to Gate and Back

Indian Run Around Parking Lot a few times

Mosey to mini-shovel flag


After four months of weekly to twice-weekly posts, YHC decided it was time to step up and lose his V.  After a few minor counting hiccups during the COP, YHC and VQ settled in and lead the PAX through a series of his favorite exercises from the past four months.  Some of the PAX may have noted similarities to their own workouts, only modified so YHC can take full credit.  Notable moans and groans were heard throughout the beatdown, though not sure if that was the weather or the workout.

TYA especially enjoyed the muscle ups (thank Toga for that one) and the Toppling Dominoes may appear in a Swirly Q sometime soon.  YHC is not sure if TDs already exist in the F3 Nation, but would like credit for creating and naming an exercise if not.

It was an honor to step out front today and look forward to doing it again.  YHC appreciates the words of encouragement and welcomes any constructive words of advice.


Fudd invites everyone to join him for golf.  Will be raising money for something or someone.  Contact Fudd for details.

HDHH was a great success last week and will come around again on the 3rd Wednesday of March.


About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. Great VQ, EF Hutton! Way to bring the gloomiest of gloomy gloom to the beat down. Those crab walks did me in. Balls to the wall in 40 degree puddles of water were a great start to the morning. At least my feet were dry in my Wellington boots.

  2. Great VQ EF Hutton! Glad to see a strong PAX out in the rain. Especially enjoyed the Flutterkicks near the end to ensure my backside was soaked to go along with the rest of me.

  3. Planned to keep our sixes off the ground, but figured by that point it didn’t much matter and wanted to give the abs a little work.

  4. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great Q, V or no VQ. Really enjoyed the new and/or modified routines. You can name an exercise. There is a submittal form on the main f3 exercises page. Several RVA pax have offerings up there.

    Great to be back out there. At the end of the beatdown, I was cold, wet, fingers were numb and I was beat. Most of all though, I was damn happy!
    Not being able to be out there getting your best
    down sucks.

    One piece of advice or observation to the pax. If you need gas after a beatdown and its 40 degrees and raining, and your dressed in at shirt with sopping wet shorts, you might get a few strange
    looks from the other patrons. Also, it’s nearly impossible to swipe your card when your thumb and forefinger are frozen!

  5. Monster beatdown this morning EF! The run on the triple-check was no joke.

    Anyone know where I can find one of those painter hats like the guy on the bike at the end of the ad? Classic!

  6. TYA I generally go straight home, but I kind of enjoy going into a Starbucks or whatever with mud and dirt all over me just to make everyone think I just tunneled out of prison.

  7. Sorry about your car seats after the drive home if you didn’t have a change of clothes or a towel, but Mother Nature listens to no one.

  8. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Nice VQ EF Hutton – well done man.. Heck yeah name that thing buddy …. Consider that exercise corporate approved! I’m sure the pax will see it again – maybe even with some modifications ….

  9. Good first Q, EF. I liked the tumbling dominoes, and the abundance of shoulder work. I’m feeling the pain today!