Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Shorts or Pants?


7 strong posted to SOT on a brisk and clear morning.  It was 22 degrees at the start, pants weather for some, shorts for other.  It did not matter as the PAX moved plenty to stay warm:

Mosey to front of school for COP:  30 SSH, 12 Merkins, 20 IPs, 50 LBCs

Grab a spot of wall on school front for Donkey Kick sets: 15 Donkey Kicks, run to school sign and back.  Repeato x4.

Mosey to the track: 20 Merkins then 20 broad jumps, run the rest of 100m.  15 merkins, 15 seconds bear crawl then run the rest of 100m.  10 merkins then crab walk half way off the 100m.

Mosey to bleachers for Chiabattas:  Alternate Muscle-ups & Box Jumps for 4 min

Go back to track for set replacing the merkins with WWII situps.  Finish with extra 10 burpees and sprint 100m.

Mosey to top of hill to fence. Derkins x20, Flutterkicks 20 IC, then 15 more derkins.

Back to the flag for 3 min Mary:  Alabama Prom Dates x20, Cross leg lifts 15 each leg, 20 Hello Dolleys.


Great work by the PAX today.  There was discussion before the beatdown as to how cold it needs to be to forgo shorts for tights/sweats.  Lugnut and Rosie sported shorts, while YHC opted for running pants in 22 degree weather. The rest of the PAX shall go unnamed. Bleeder and Sheik lit the way with their bikes which was helpful, especially on the track.  The Derkins at the end were quite tough in just getting your feet on top of the fence.  As Swirly said it was more balls to the wall/modified Carolina Dry docks.

Tclaps to Bleeder for keeping time as YHC forgot a watch.  One of YHCs resolutions for 2016 is to Q every AO once a quarter, thanks to the SOT normals for pushing YHC today on the SOTVQ.


HDHH next Wed: See DK

Frostbite this Sunday for those running.  YHC has a free pass (M has to work) for the race if anyone is interested.




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  1. Definitely pants…at least that is what I had set out before I got held back by the fart sack.

  2. Great one HoneyDo! I can’t figure out if it was the Donkey Kicks or Derkins but I’m still feeling it today.