Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Christmas Eve Splashdown


A total of 18 turned out for the Christmas Eve workout at Mary Munford (and to witness my VQ). Couldn’t ask for more pleasant and inviting weather…

The Thang:
20 x Merkins, 20 x WWII Situps, 10 x Mexican Squats, 10 x Turkish Prison (apologies Aisle 5)

Bermuda Triangle Derivative: Broke into groups of 5 (or more). 3 stations. Each group does 10 of each exercise at each station. Rotated between Merkins, Burpees, and WWII Situps. Maxed out at 10 stations.

Looking North (For Santa, Star of Bethlehem, or what have you)…One partner does burpees while other partner runs to mid-point of field (backward), does 10 Squats, then returns (forward of course). Alternate until 10 iterations (5 rounds each)

Merkin Ring of Fire: Circle up (Plank), then Bear Crawl (one rotation), Then progressed Merkins (1-18) around circle, then descending count

I took some heat for my Mexican and Turkish references, either misnamed or not entirely PC. (Learned later that Aisle 5 was somewhat taken aback by the Turkish Prison reference. Have it on authority he’s either of Turkish descent, or from New York…whichever.)

As we descended upon the playing field, there were concerns expressed by Wilson regarding its condition and the further damage we would do. (The field was really more like an olympic-size swimming pool with a Mud-base.) Bleeder assured us this was the City of Richmond and not a neighboring county, so we could press-on. As for everything that happened after that, it was a blur to me. There were a few “airing of the grievances” but only in the most constructive light.

As we circled-up, offshore introduced his (FNG) brother in law (Jamie Cox) from Alabama. Despite a respectable introduction and distinguished background given, Bleeder jumped right to (Alabama) “Prom Date”…everyone pounced and thus Prom Date was born (welcome!).

In the end, DK said he had never been wetter, Saab had to continually pull his pants up since they were past the saturation point, and – by my understanding – Aisle 5 and Wilson drove home without any clothes on.

Thanks to all for showing up today and for helping me along. As mentioned, unlike my other first-time, this one lasted much longer and I got a lot more out of it.

Reminder, no workout/run on Friday.

Abidingly yours, Saab


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. According the exercise lexicon there is a “turkish get up” and mexican squats. Saab was in the ballpark.

  2. Great VQ Saab, tempted to go back to the Mumford field to see how many handprints are still there in the middle of the field where we did the merkins. Also T-Claps on the glow stick usage.

  3. Looking forward to many more Saab Q’s. The dry humor was not lost in the soggy conditions. Hopefully, Aisle 5 and Wilson hit a drive thru on the way home.

  4. Given that he was a trainer, I was about to propose “Body by Jake/Body by Jamie” or “Jake Stick/Jamie Stick,” but with “Prom Date” I knew it was over. Nice Q Saab!

  5. What happens in the Subaru stays in the Subaru. We did stop for a Starbucks. Had a great conversation with a guest. Nice job Saab! We did absolutely destroy that field. Oh well! Happy Festivus!

  6. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Sorry I missed it. Sounds like a great beatdown and cannot wait for the next SAAB Q. So glad I missed the possible naked driving afterwards. Some things can just not be un seen!!

  7. Saab great VQ, Welxome Prom date!! City of Richmond officials were inspecting the field later in the day, apparently there was a report of shirtless men leaving the scene; however, upon inspection, they realized the City spends ZERO dollars maintaining the field; and immediately wrote a Chrismas card, congratulating the group of shirtless near naked men for celebrating Festivus, with the standard airing of grievances, which followed the Feets of Strengths.

    Next year the Aluminum Festivus Pole will have a Flag attached!!! Perhaps with a shovel as a base!!
    Merry Christmas Guys, I am looking forward to a New Year!!

  8. Sounds like an excellent workout, @Saab, and sorry I missed your VQ. I plan to be at the next one.

  9. Well done on the VQ Saab… My shoes are still wet from that lovely Christmas Eve morning – think that’s the muddiest of work outs yet …
    Happy Holidays!