Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Helping Wilson with his burpees


8 faithful woke up extra early to scrape the frost of their windshield and come to Dogpile for a good Saturday morning beatdown.


Mosey to circle for COP:  SSH x25 , Merkins x12 , Imperial Walkers x20 , Flutterkicks x25, Burpees x10

Mosey to Carillon field for Tabatas:  Alternate Broad Jumps & Lunges until other end of field.  From end of field run up boulevard up to the turn and back.  Stop at every lamppost for 1 burpee. 20 in all.  On way back audibled to 2 burpees per post.

Tabatas back to other end of field again:  Broad jumps & lunges.

Mosey back to cirlce & partner up:  Partner should press x20 then planking partner wheelbarrow to center of cirlce & 10 decline merkins.  Switch partners, 2 sets.  Finish with 10 burpees

Mosey to Amphitheater for Incline Merkin Ladder: Up to 8 Steps.  After done complete 20 walk-out bear crawls.

Mosey to bowl behind theater for Jacobs Ladder to get Wilson above his 100 burpee mark for the day.

Finish with Mary at the flag:  30 LBCs, 50 Boxcutters.


YHC signed up for Q for purely selfish reasons, to minimize running to save YHC’s legs for the Bear Creek 10 miler.  The PAX responded well with a burpee & shoulder heavy beatdown.  For the last several weeks it has been funny as the PAX has been able to guess when Sippy’s light would come over the hill at 3 minutes before 6.  Winston shared that Sippy hurt his back and was out for Dogpile, hope you get better soon

Good workout today men!



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  1. I didn’t know that you have a betting game on when I arrive. That’s funny! I’ll be sure to change it up a bit to throw you off. I was sorry to miss the workout. I survived the 5000 merkin month, but Bleeder’s Christmas tree hanging at Notoll put me over the top and I ended up straining my upper back. I hope to be back this Saturday–