6 nature lovers posted for what was billed as “the most gimmicky workout ever.” Here’s what the zoo had to offer:
Warm-up COP: 20 Gorilla Squats, 10 spider merkins, 20 Froggers
Mosey to parking lot for the Gorilla Cage: Gorilla walk fwd and back, Gorilla lateral walk counterclockwise, fwd and back, then lateral clockwise: each for 1 min
Mosey to basketball for walk around the zoo: bear crawl, bunny hop/broad jumps, crab walk, duck walk x2 with ab fun in between
Mosey to playground for: 5x monkey bars/pull-ups, 10 walking stick merkins (regular then crawl to incline merkin position), 10 lava lizards, flutter kicks and cockroaches in between, repeato x3
Back to the zoo promenade for one more bear crawl, bunny hop/broad jumps, crab walk, duck walk
Mosey back towards flag for more gorilla squats and flutter kicks.., maybe something else
NMM: Who doesn’t love a day at the zoo? YHC told the PAX this would be gimmicky.., mission accomplished. The amount of groaning for the zoo walk sure made it sound like we were at the zoo. Somehow Earthworm got early blueprints of my design, but apparently only the gorilla portion was compromised. The rest was all Toga’s ark. YHC also waited till the end of the workout to inform the PAX that duck walks are guaranteed to provide several days of leg pain. The applause was deafening but unnecessary. Toga just wants to give it his best shot, and the Good Lord willin’, things will work out.
1 Comment
All Im saying is gorilla squats and duck walks suck !