Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

28 Days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds


16 faithful and 1 sort-of-FNG arrived at Dogpile on an eerie Halloween morning in the dark.  A horror-movie themed beatdown went down like this:


COP –  SSH x 25 , Spell Halloween with leg writing, Chainsaw starters -10 each side

Mosey instructions – In honor of Exorcist movie cover any time PAX passed a lamppost someone became possessed and blurted on an exercise that the PAX had to then do x10

1st Lamppost – 10 burpees, 2nd one – Tuck Jumps

Lineup on memorial field for – ZOMBIE CHASERS

Series of sprints, side to side, slowest man each round gets tagged and turns into zombie (aka leglifts) until last man standing.  Congrats to Splinter on being most likely to survive zombie apocolypse.

Mosey to Carillon for DONNIE DARKO (in honor of Richmond’s own Richard Kelly)

Bunny hop up steps , 28 Merkins, down steps , 6 burpees, hop up steps, 42 boxcutters, down for 12 Carolina dry docs.  Repeato

Mosey past several more lammposts (merkins, LBCs, jump lunges) down to behind Carillon for Descent themed Tunnel of Darkness (tunnel of love)

Mosey back to Memorial field (2 more lammposts – dead cockroaches & merkins) for JACOBS LADDER

Only instead of running to each hill, bear crawl on the side, crab walk other direction, up to 7 burpees

Mosey to circle for 3MOM:  Flutterkicks, Alabama prom dates, & 30 WWII situps

Good work group! YHC is a huge horror movie fan and was hoping a themed halloween Q would work.  YHC has actually met the actor who played Leatherface in the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre but used Q-etic license to tie in the Chainsaw exercise.  That was a stretch. Thanks to Bleeder for starting the possession exercise out right with Burpees!

There was mumblechatter about the use (yet again) of glowsticks.  Since daylight savings kicks in tomorrow we should not need those anymore for a while during a YHC Q.  Circle K had the wipeout of the day during the zombie chase.  All the PAX did well during Donnie Darko round, there were groans during the boxcutters as the worst part.

Jacobs Ladder (altered) with bearcrawls and crab walks was brutal.  YHC was  afraid to do the Ladder in our normal spot because of darkness/safety so wanted to use the memorial field but change it up for a challenge.

Good work Lab Rat and Amnesia on posting to your 2nd beatdown ever (with varying lengths of time between them).

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Looking forward to hearing about the pumpkin run later this week.

Happy Halloween!



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