12 Faithful Runners arrived from some running down Grove.
?????? on Grove Back to the Shovel Flag, Plank, Drop, Hold for a TYA 10 count.
As TYA was coming in hot this am, hot on Sippy’s rear. ( Sippy was biking to the run this am) After YHC brief intro to the run, the Mumblechatter distracted most of the PAX from paying any attention to the actual directions. Toga was the only clearly informed runner who completed the entire running route. Apparently, BT seemed eager to turn earlier than the stated Turnaround point; LugNut reminded BT that the turnaround was RoseNEATH Ave, BT stated that he thought YHC had said Rose Lane. Clearly some confusion; however, TYA did later confirm that the Rose Lane turnaround would have been an attractive Turnaround point. LugNut and YHC noted that had BT hit the correct turn around, the run back would have been right in his Wheelhouse; if YHC had only printed Lanyards! My apologies!
Announcements: Bottom to Tap this Saturday 1100, Go Ruck next Sat, then Pumpkin Race on Halloween 0830. 2nd F next week at Casa De Splinter, sounds like a run beforehand at 5:30. Be sure to RSVP on Splinter’s pre-blast.
I think I’m more confused now. Lesson learned: just keep running and it’s all roses.
I now understand what “clear as mud means”. Great run, instructions were, well if toga understood them, that says it all!
Either way – nice morning for a run – way to go fella’s