4 faithful members of the RVA Pax and 1 Double Dipper assembled at Short Pump Middle school for a Saturday morning beat down that went something like this:
Mosey to back of End Zone at Grid Iron for COP: SSH x 25, Merkin x 15, Flutter Kicks x 25, Dead Cockroach OYO x 10, Hillbillies x 25
Run easy lap around track and up the hill to high ground for 10 minutes of Burpees (8 per minute)
2 easy laps around track and down to school for Quadruple Check: Peoples Chair, Plank, Run, Donkey Kicks/Wall Walkers (repeato for total of 3 cycles)
Mosey to bus lane for Zombie Walks to end.
Mosey to baseball bleachers for Tabattas:
1) Imperial Squat Walkers
2) Bear Crawl-a-rama on hill
Mosey back to shovel flag for COT
With so much Fall activity, YHC was convinced this would be the first F3 RVA workout with 1 person posting…and bet TYA as much…but, you can always count on Groh to show at The GridIron…Thanks to Chum & Ricky Bobby for joining us as well! We picked up a double dipping Honey Do during the Quadruple Check.
This was the first time Ricky Bobby had performed a Dead Cockroach…we might need to work on those.
10 Minutes of Burpees are always difficult and smoked us for a good few minutes afterwards.
The Quadruple Check took much longer than anticipated. YHC was hoping to squeeze in a Dora 1-2-3, but had to call an audible with the Bear Crawl-a-rama
This may have been the first time in weeks where The GridIron saw ZERO partner leg tosses.
Honey Do shared that he only came out to his first F3 workout in June. Damn, that dude has improved in a short time!
Thanks for letting YHC lead, fellas. I really enjoyed our time together.
1 Comment
A great workout on Saturday, gentlemen….well done to all!