6 Pax and 8 friends and relatives posted at 11 am for the second running of the Rugged Mania.
The Thang:
3.1 mile trail run, 26 Obstacles, Mud all around and plenty of cold water.
Bleeder posted at 10:59:59 for the 11 am start. He taped his shoes to his body during the first quarter mile and was off from there. Loose Goose brought the family out to cheer the team on. Carmen and his 2 children were a great cheering section. They were joined by Circle K’s M and 2.0. M Circle K did a great job of capturing a bunch of pictures of the crew.
Wilson had the best (worst) pair of shoes for the rugged maniac. At the start, the sole of one shoe was hanging on by a thread. They survived the race, but I am not sure they are usable after. Wilson’s M warned him not to wear any clothing he wanted to keep as she was throwing away anything he wore during the race. YHC should have taken Wilson’s wife’s advice because after doing his laundry the washing machine is now littered with small pebbles. Good lesson for next time, either trash the clothes or hose them down before putting in washer.
Herbie brought her sister, four gymnastics pals and a school friend to the race. They all ran the race together with new hand decorated shirts. They all did a great job, handling all the obstacles. They did showboat on the small balance beams by doing a handstand on them on the way across. M TYA and friend rocked the race as well.
Rugged Maniac drastically improved the parking process this time around. No waiting in line to pay for parking. Much better experience as a result.
Well done, all!
That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Wilson’s wife was dead right. Only saved shorts and underwear after soaking in soapy water. Please don’t tell her she was right. LOL! Thanks for setting it up TYA. I will be running both next year.
Nice work! Love to see a big group of family and friends, especially when they are showboating!
Nice work! Wish I could have made it. I’ll be there next year!