Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Double Beast of Mary


19 strong posted for a solid outing at RVA’s NoToll. Here’s how it went down:


COP: 25 x SSH, 25 x Flutter Kicks, Capital Letters OYO, 15 x Merkins, 25 x Imperial Walkers

Mosey to soccer parking lot…line up

Modified King of Hearts:
1) Forward lunges across entire parking lot
2) 10 x Broad Jump Burpees + Bear Crawl to end
3) 2 x Karaoke
4) 2 x Backwards run

Triple Check: lap around parking lot + pole smokers + donkey kicks & wall walkers on shed

Double Beast of Mary: 12 exercises at each station rather than 6
1) LBCs
2) Capital Letters (12 letters each time)
3) Freddie Mercuries
4) WWI Situps

Mosey back to Flag for COT


Welcome to Art Vandelay. You arrived late and missed our disclaimer. Hope you enjoyed the workout and will be back out with us soon!

Swirly & Sippy & Toga continue to set the pace on most of our field combinations…well done, gentlemen.

During the lunges, Grizzly shared that the initial round of Capital Letters smoked him. YHC’s apologies for going back to them during the Beast. Should have done some Russian Twists for TYA.

Increasing the sets from 6 to 12 on the Beast definitely makes a difference. Sadly, the Beast was not fully completed.

Shooter saw a shooting star during the FlutterKicks in the first COP (go figure)…confirmed by BT.

YHC’s car was not affected by the VW recall…and thank you for the concern, Toga…thankfully the familiar jet engine noise it makes will continue to delight the motorheads and Johnsonvilles of the RVA PAX. Fudd, a LIFO this morning, was also identified by a noise his car made when turning into a parking space. Maybe Lug Nut should check out our rides…


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  1. Solid Q and totally opposite from Chum’s “I’ve done time in County” workout from the previous morning. Too bad re the VW recall. I thought you might have had an out.

  2. Nice work DK. enjoyed rolling around on the No Toll field, this time without the raw sewage smell.

  3. Amazingly, I wished for alphabet-related exercises upon seeing the star. Low and behold, DK delivered. Nice job, Q!

  4. Nice work DK. The double beast of mary sounded so ominous when you first said it. Can’t wait to try it again so we can finish it!