Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The British are coming!!!


16 Dry and Driven men emerged from their Fartsack to attack the day (and the british) at 45 MOM.  The weather was nearly perfect.  60 degrees, slight rain, no stars.  YHC was hoping for much worse weather, man do I like it when the gloom gets gloomy!!!!  Despite the lack of driving rain, the PAX left 45MOM drenched and muddy.  A great time was had.  Here is how it went down.

The Thang

Mosey to the basketball courts, Paul Revere Starter (1 if by land two if by sea, so everything is either and 11 count or 22 count).  Merkins x 11, SSH x 22, Don Quixote x 22, Burpees OYO x 11, LBC x 22, and Merkins x 11

The BBC, ascending.  On the tennis court start at the baseline.  Bear crawl to the net, run to other baseline and down the 4 courts, Crab walk to the net, run to the baseline and across the 4 courts, 1 Burpee.  Repeato, adding one  burpee each time, until you reach ten.  Plank for 6, then all mosey to the tree line.

Pair up for Double Decker 11’s.  Teams alternate piggy back carry to next tree, each team does 20 Merkins, 2 WWII sit ups at tree, piggy back to next tree, 18 merkins and 4 sit ups, repeato until 2 merkins and 20 WWII sit ups.  Mosey back to the shovel flag for COT and inspirational dedication by Fudd.


We got to exercise in the basketball court area today.  A rare treat as the Tomatoes are usually hunkered down in that space.  Since they took refuge under the pavilion, it gave us the opportunity to use their area.  Nice place to do a warmup, but we will cede the area back to the tomatoes when it is not raining out.

YHC had been wanting to bring back the BBC exercise again so I decided on a British theme for the workout.  It seemed even more appropriate given the weather that we had yesterday.  I was going to try to pull out my best british accent while counting cadence, but given that it would most likely sound like an indian accent, I decided to spare the PAX.

Sippy slayed the field during the BBC exercise, lapping YHC twice during exercises.  Fudd and I had an epic battle with Swirly and ?? during the Double Decker 11’s.  Lot of fun trying to catch them.  Thanks to Fudd for pounding out a majority of the merkins at an amazing clip.


Rugged Maniac next Saturday, a couple of spots still left see TYA

10/17, Bottom to Tap.  F3 will have a booth.  Thanks DK

10/31 Great Pumpkin Run.  F3 will have a booth.  Thanks Abacus

Pre blast for colonial 200 is up on the site.  Commit early.  Should be a great time.



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  1. My fingers are on fire! …there was blood on the p and ; keys this morning… It’s great to have a little reminder of the workout. That was me and Swirly.