Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Whole Lotta Ciabatta


It was another truly beautiful morning in RVA, but we weren’t in RVA.  We were South of the Border at Source of Truth for nothing but ciabatta style circuits for the entire workout.  6 posted for something totally different than BT’s Old Glory or Grizzly’s scavenger hunt of pain.

The Thang:

Mosey to center of field to get right into alternating exercises done on a tabata timer.

Round 1= Ted Strikers (merkin followed by body rotation with hand in the air and one leg through) and Imperial Walkers, 2= mtn climbers and high knees, 3= squat jumps and skaters, 4= walking plank and full extensions, 5= Bulgarian squats and merkins, 6= Dips and leg raises, 7= alternating lunges and incline merkins, 8= rotating planks and sprinters, 9= 4 rds of burpees


Where was Johnsonville?  Somewhere in the gloom that guy felt like he was missing something, and he was right.  Today was indeed a JVille special brought to you by none other than Dr. Izumi Tabata.  The PAX seemed to enjoy the repetition and joy of staying together vs running into the gloom, but there was a lot of mumble chatter.  Since tabatas are to be done full out for 20 seconds with a ten second rest before the next set you would think there would be less mumble chatter #MouthofWilson.  YHC will consider ways to correct this if we ever repeat it.

Stay Classy,



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