Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Watch out, man down?


Six fleet and fit posted for a Sunday trail run in RVA.

The Thang:

Start at Pump house parking area, take the northbank trail towards the city.  Cross over the to the dark side (oops south side) at Belle Isle, take buttermilk trail to nickel bridge and run back across bridge to parking lot.  Covered somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5 miles depending on how many time you turned back.


Great showing by Aisle 5, he posted for the Sunday run for the first time and had a relatively uneventful first trip.  Relatively because on the way back, he tried to tackle the downramp/stair challenge on the downramp.  He lost control and had to sprint down.  While sprinting he let out a loud and audible scream for  good 5 seconds.  YHC hearing the scream, immediately doubled back to assess the carnage.  Aisle 5 put my fears to rest quickly by shouting out “I’m OK”.

Saab and Trophy continue to pace the group out front.  Thanks to both for clearing the route of all spider webs in the am.  Trophy sweats an incredible amount on the run.  After the run he announced that he losses 9 pounds during a typical sunday jaunt.  WOW.

Wilson continues to wear a long sleeve shirt.  I will officially declare that he has now made it through the summer in long sleeves.  Impressive or crazy, you be the judge.

Oyster’s pace on the route continues to increase.  If he continues to improve at this pace he will eventually finish the route before he starts.

See you next week in the gloom.


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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Gents, great run. Never thought that a tail run would be so fun. Aisle 5, I suggest that you take the stairs next time!

  2. 1 down many more to come. Sunday trail runs that is, not trail wipe outs. PAX Thanks for not leaving me behind.