Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Arms Center, Ab corners


Sixteen faithful and one FNG gathered at No Toll on a beautiful morning to enter the Gloom.  The conditions were far superior to last week’s No Toll which has been dubbed the wettest ever.


SSH x 30 , 10 Burpees , 15 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the Pavilion in center of soccer field for:  4 arm sets & 4 corners of Abs.  Mosey between pavilion and each corner:

Pavilion – 20 Merkins, 25 Dips, 20 merkins

Corner 1 – Partner Leg toss , 1st set 20 , 2nd set 12

Pavilion – Merkin wheelbarrows – 10 partner hold decline merkins, wheelbarrow crawl to tennis ball then 5 more decline partner hold merkins.  Each partner completes 1 set.

Corner 2 – 40 Russian Twists , then 10 XO’s

Pavilion – 15 decline merkins , 15 dips , 12 decline merkins

Corner 3 –  40 Freddy Mercurys, Knee dip planks 30 seconds

Pavilion – Merkin Wheelbarros #2 – 5 decline merkins, longer wheelbarrow crawl then 5 more decline merkins

Corner 4 – 30 thrusts , 40 flutterkicks, 20 thrusts

Mosey back to start, finish with 10 burpees


Glad to have such a good turnout for YHC’s VQ and all the support.  Welcome to FNG Modell – hope to see you out again.  YHC felt a little out of breath while counting off the IPs after the starting Burpees, will have to remember that for future reference.  There was some mumblechatter on what constituted a “corner” of the field as a soccer field or as YHC sees it one “Meta field” with 4 corners. YHC’s demo of the thrusts on corner 4 proved insufficient as looking around there were 10 different versions being done, another lesson for next Q.


Richmond GoRuck event is coming up on October 23 & 24.  For those who are not doing the BRR this is a good chance to one-up the BRR group along with YHC.

Normal workouts this week along with Wednesday Hillcrest hill run at 5:30 and drinks afterwards at TYAs house.

CONVERGENCE on 9/19 at Gridiron.  Bring a friend!



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