Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bark at the Moon!


11 strong men including two FNG’s posted on a beautiful 61 degree morning @ Dogpile! YHC would recommend long sleeves as the weather starts to move to fall. Might want to locate the snow gear and get it ready!


Left parking lot right at 6:00 and took a lap around the VITA track.

Mosey to the island by amphitheater for disclaimer and warm up!

25 SSH

20 Alt. Shoulder Taps

20 Imperial Walkers

20 Don Quiote’s

30 LBC

15 Peeing Dog **NEW exercise**

Mosey to pull up bars for “Hanging Around” 4 rounds

  • Under hand & Over hand hangs (alternate each round)
  • Decline merkan with feet on dip bars 10 – increase to 15 on 3rd round
  • Run to tower – tag wall
  • Partner Leg Lifts – Pole smoker if no partner x20

Mosey to grassy area next to tower

Rotating ring of fire. 10 each. Pax choice. Pax to your left calls the exercise. Bonus round of Burpees.

6 minutes of Mary 10 ea.

Pendulum ** new exercise** and total failure. Need to regroup on this.

Side Plank Lifts

Cross Leg Lifts

Russian Twist



YHC struggled with with how to fill the gaps in my planned wokout, so I went to Wilson’s Wife for guidance. She has a 50% success rate today. The peeing dog was interesting and the pendulum (I was informed when I got home I did it entirely wrong) was down right hysterical. Bleeder wins the prize for looking the funniest, but everyone’s form was just plain BAD!

Welcome Board Shorts & Blood Test (not BT….) that is reserved for the one and only original! Brain Tumor! When I arrived at the AO this morning it, there was a beautiful full moon. Swirly wanted to start baking at the moon. so Swirly, the video is for you!



Sunday Trail run is up in the air. Not sure who is leading. Assuming the start time is 7am.

Normal workouts this week. If you don’t have the F3 App…GET IT!


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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Sunday trail run at 7 as usual. Lockjaw has the lead. Can’t wait to see the new exercises. Especially the peeing dog. Male or female dog? Fire hydrant necessary? Any sniffing involved?

  2. For the record, a dude was running by as we were fully engaged in the “peeing dog.” Someone (I think Fudd) lobbed a gentle EH at him as he passed, to which he responded “I’m good, maybe next time.” Pretty sure he dropped it a gear and took off in a full sprint after that.

  3. And welcome to Blood Test and BoardShorts! Fudd, we probably should have shortened it to just Board, or Shorts:)

  4. Board Shorts on

    Had a blast. Thanks for the invite Aisle 5. I’ll be back for another round. Wish I could move my arms after that ring of fire.

  5. I always took sitting-up for granted. Ouch. Wilson, Thanks for the great workout! Thanks for joining us Board Shorts and welcome To F3 Blood Test.