Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Yes, Ground Work; But No Earthworm


Five of the faithful and two FNGs posted at Pouncy Tract Park at 7AM on a fine, midsummer Saturday morning to make a #DownPainMent.  Johnsonville took the Q, and this is how it went down:

COP warmup:
ssh x 25
don quixote x 25
partner leg toss x 25 (2 sets)
merkins x 15

Mosey to Grassy Knoll
10 minutes of burpees

Mosey to Old Schoolhouse
triple play wall sit / plank / run (2 sets)

Mosey to Hill by Entrance
pair up — one person does Lt. Dans while the other crab walks up hill, does 5 merkins at top, bear crawls back down, swap positions.  Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 sets each.

Mosey to bleachers by front football field
chiabatta dips
mixed merkin chiabatta, including merkins, derkins, isometric merkens, and incline merkins.
partner leg toss x 25

rosalitas x 15
dolly x 15
LBC x 25
Russian twist x 50


Welcome Grizzley and ShortShank!  We are excited to have you join our ranks, and we look forward to getting to know you better.

Toward the end of the 10 minutes of burpees, Jolly Rancher was giving Conspiracy and other “old dudes” tips on proper form.  That was fun to see.

After chiabattas, lots of folks were sprawled around on the turf moaning in gloom. Obviously, we have been neglecting those and need to bring them back to #GridIron.

Have a great week, guys!

— Johnsonville


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1 Comment

  1. A serious beat down by Jville! Looking forward to getting back to the double dip Saturday!