Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mountain goats? Nope, just goats.


It was a hot and humid morning preview to the 100 degree day.

The Thang:

45 minute hill run—

Mosey down love hill and across the Nickel Bridge (7 min)

Hill #1—up the South side Nickel Bridge hill and back up the north side (1x) ~10 min

Take trail under Nickel Bridge. (2 min)

Hill #2—From under the Nickel Bridge up to the brick building at top of hill (3x) ~13 minutes

Mosey down the road to the pump house (5 min)

Hill #3—From pump house up the pipe to the Carillon (1x) (5 min)

Mosey on the stone steps back to the Shovel Flag. (3 min)

Approximately 4 miles at a 10-11 minute average pace.


The Pax was finally able to ditch Conspiracy this morning—he finally found us on the Nickel Bridge trail.

On the way down Love Hill, the Pax was surprised to see a herd of 30 or so goats eating the brush right next to Jacob’s ladder. Evidently the Goat Busters were on patrol. It will be interesting to see if they will still be there during the #Dogpile workout.

DK commented that he was having issues breathing during the workout. He concluded that it was because he was running right behind Fudd up those hills. Future Pax take note–

The Pax was strong today—the focus was on steady hill running up and down rather than sprint up/jog down. The workout went by quickly without much mumblchatter.


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