8 Faithful and 1 FNG posted for a humid morning beatdown at DogPile. Here’s how it went down:
COP: 25 SSH, 15 Merkins, 25 LBC, 25 Imperial Walker, 25 Slow bending Squats
Mosey to Pull-up bars
Abbreviated, Half Murph: 5 x (10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats)
Mosey back to Carrillon
4 Minutes of Mary: 20 Flutterkicks, 15 Box Cutters
Mosey to Amphitheater
Declined Plank-o-rama: hold, walk right, walk left, left hand on bum, right hand on bum (repeat 3x)
Mosey to base of pump station
Love Hill-Blimp Style-Dealer’s Choice: lunges, walk out merkins, broad jumps, grapevine (karaoke), bear crawl, crab walk back to the top
Mosey to flag
Roxanne Fail, 20 LBCs, 120 seconds of Roxanne (play Police song and burpee whenever you hear “Roxanne”)
Welcome Tarzan! This morning’s workout was especially gloomy.
It was not lost on YHC that Bleeder skipped out as the Pax descended Love Hill…at least he wasn’t bailing altogether…but going to support our F3 brothers in Short Pump.
Cheers to Conspiracy for ensuring we stuck to form.
YHC was proud to lead a group that stayed together as a group through a tough workout.
It was a nice workout DK. Unlike other F3 workouts the group stayed in close proximity the whole time, and that made it fun and a little more 2ndF-ey. And, my lats are really feeling it still today after all of those pullups!
Swirly and I were fed 30 more pull-ups at GridIron. Ouch.
i missed pull ups! Next week is gonna hurt!