Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Home Run King hits Burpees…


12 Veterans and 1 FNG posted for a beatdown in the gloom at 45MoM. Here’s how it went down:
The Thang

Mosey down the block, around the school, back down the block to the soccer field for COP:
Burpees x 10
SSH x 20
Burpees x 9
Don Quixote x 15
Burpees x 8
Freddie Mercury x 20
Burpees x 7
Sumo Squats x 15
Burpees x 6
Merkins x 12
Burpees x 5
LBC’s x 20
Burpees x 4
Imperial Walkers x 15
Burpees x 3
Flutter Kicks x 15
Burpees x 2
Hello Dollies x 15
Burpee x 1

Mosey to the track for 4 corners:
Split into 3 groups of 3 and 1 group of 4 for 2 rounds of one exercise in each corner: 10 pullups, box jumps on the stairs, incline lat pulls, dips. Rotate when the pull up group is done.

Mosey to the tennis courts:
Tunnel of Love: Each man faces another, links arms and squats down. All men in a line forming a tunnel with their arms. The two men at the end break off and bear crawl through the tunnel to the end where they link up again. Progress from one end of the court to the other end.

Suicides on the tennis court: baseline to the end of the first court and back, then to the end of the 2nd court and back…..rinse and repeat through all 4 courts.

Mosey to the Flag for 8 minutes of Mary:
Russian Twist x 20
Flutter Kicks x 20
LBC’s x 20
Rosalitas x 20

Ring of Fire: form a circle….everyone in plank position. Each man does 10 merkins while the rest hold the plank and sing “Ring of Fire” by the Man in Black.

Mosey to the Flag for Numberama, Namerama, and a prayer.

The Moleskin

T-claps to everyone for putting out big time today! After some late night tweets yesterday, YHC knew he better bring the pain today if the PAX were to be satisfied. Wilson reiterated this when he posted and mentioned that he got out of the fartsack and crossed the river in expectation of a good beatdown. I hope you were satisfied Wilson. Bleeder upped his wardrobe by posting with a golf shirt tucked into khaki shorts, with a stylish brown leather belt to complete the preppy ensemble. He mentioned he had a tee time to make post workout and to hurry up and get started on time. Hopefully the golf course doesn’t mind the mud, grass, and sweat stains that you left with.

Some grumbling was heard from the PAX due to the 55 Burpees that were completed during the COP. YHC has often wondered why the warmup is referred to as the “Circle of Pain”, given that we usually do some SSH, Don Quixote, and a couple of other benign exercises until we Mosey off to where the real pain begins. YHC decided to change things up today and give new meaning to the term “Circle of Pain”.

This is the second time YHC has used the Tunnel of Love, and the PAX embraced it with gusto. Some discussion took place on the topic of what it means to “put out” depending on whether one is speaking to a male or female. It was decided that we should refrain from yelling that to the ladies who were working out next to us, although TYA looked tempted.

Big welcome to FNG Bambino (aka Chip McGraw)! Bambino saw one of Wilson’s posters at Capital One and decided to man up and post to one of YHC’s signature beatdowns. Way to put out! T-claps to Wilson for putting up the poster. YHC told Bambino that not all of our workouts are as strenuous as today’s, and to try and post to one of Toga’s workouts as those are typically much milder 😉


2nd F tonight with a BrewThru run. From Chumbucket:

For those so inclined, we’ll meet at The Answer Brewpub at 6 PM. This establishment is located at 6008 West Broad Street in the same shopping center as Mekong (and run by the same guy). The entrance is located off of the back parking lot. We’ll have a beverage at The Answer first and we’ll then jog from The Answer to Strangeways located at 2277 Dabney Road via, roughly, Broad to Libbie to Bethlehem to Dabney with a couple of shortcuts – total mileage is 1.8 miles. There are a couple of places along the way for some burps and merks.

RAMM tomorrow…TYA is Q

Regular Dogpile and Gridiron workouts on Saturday with Orville and Johnsonville as Q’s —– TYA is confirmimg a writer from the Richmond Times Dispatch will BE AT DOGPILE!!!!!

The Punisher on Monday will start at 7am as opposed to the normal 5:30 start time. Everyone is encouraged to bring their shovel flags to plant at the corner of Hermitage and Laburnum in honor of Memorial Day and our country’s warriors…. both past and present.

Rugged Maniac (next iteration) is coming up on Oct 10. Plan is for F3 guys to run this as a team. TYA has reserved 20 slots and is collecting info from anyone who wants to sign up. $41 per entry.

F3 Tshirts are still available for 45 MoM and NoTOLL. Order on the website.


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  1. Awesome job today PAX! Welcome Bambno! I look forward to working out with you! Fudd – If you want a model to go by on REAL beatdowns check out SOT sometime!

  2. Nice Q Fudd. Way to work today guys.
    Welcome Bambino …
    Bleeder that outfit was awesome dude!