Saturday, September 7
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Over the Hill(s)


Bleeder planted the flag and 18 faithful posted for Lockjaw’s 40th birthday.

The thang:

Mosey to center field, COT: 40 side straddle hops, 40 little baby crunches.

Mosey to corner of field,

Over the Hills –

pair up. First guy runs the 1 K loop around the school, second guy attempts 40 burpees. Second guy runs 1 K loop, first guy attempts 40 burpees. Plank.

Mosey to circuit track – 1/4 mile loop. First guy does 40 pushups, second guy runs. Switch and repeat. plank

Mosey to corner tennis court – first guy takes a lap around full basketball and tennis court, second guy attempts 40 WWII situps. Switch and repeat. Continuously first guy then runs tennis court only, first guy attempts 40 LBCs. Switch and repeat. Plank

Mosey to center field. 6 Minutes of Gary – 40 seconds on, 10 second rest, two rounds. Exercises- Ball dippers, lizard merkins, handstand kicks or carolina dry docks, high knee jumps or slow bending squat.

5 Minutes of Mary – freddie mercury, russian twist, hello dolly, superman.


Quite fitting Lockjaw LIFO’d his 40th birthday workout. T-claps for making it out though, the Over the Hills workout, or as noted Around the Hills since there are no hills at this particular AO, was designed by YHC to show some love for our no longer ‘hate’ brother. The silence was deafening in contrast to Ricky Bobby’s RESPECT a few weeks back during name-o-rama.

YHC apologizes for some of the sloppiness this morning, YHC thinks he actually said southern aggressor at one point of the plank. Simply unforgivable to my highly esteemed southern gentlemen. YHC was running on fumes from lack of sleep. However, if someone in the PAX showed up for the Patriots celebration workout at 4:30 AM, well, laugh’s on you bud, I was watching replays of Super Bowl 49 in my fart sack.

Welcome FNG Ponzi!

See you guys in a few weeks.



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  1. Wedding Singer on

    Seriously though, the Patriots workout is coming soon. Just need to draft one up.

  2. Well done Singer. If you are looking for a good workout, do it the Patriot way and spy on someone else.

  3. Döner Kebab on

    Well said, Lug Nut. Seriously great workout today, Wedding Singer. You served up a serious beat down. Gotta work on my handstand kicks!

  4. Brain Tumor on

    Great workout, Singer. No doubt I’m going to feel deflated this afternoon.

  5. Excellent Q Singer and thanks to you and the pax for bringing me into the next decade the right way!