Tuesday, September 17
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Johnsonville’s Return to Q


Four posted to the #Gridiron, F3Richmond’s later Saturday bootcamp. Lugnut planted a shovel flag, and Johnsonville took the Q after a very long “vacation” to allow broken ribs to heal.


SSH x 35
Merkin x 15
Slow Squats x 15
Partner Leg Pushdowns x 25

Mosey to grassy knoll near Striker fields
10 minutes of burpees

Mosey back near SF
2 sets of Partner Leg Pushdowns x 25

Mosey to football field
4 additional minutes of burpees

Mosey to entrance of school
Modified Triple Play — Pair up.  On partner does people’s chair while the other bear crawls about 20m and then sprints out and back about 200m.  Switch with partner.  Rinse and repeat for 3 sets in all.

Mosey behind school to bleachers
11s consisting of Dips on Bleachers (4 count), run to pull up bars (about 125m), Pull Ups or Chin Ups, run back to Bleachers.  Rinse and repeat in 11s fashion.



Wilson doubled up from #Dogpile, and the small PAX was encouraged by his arrival after the initial burpee-fest.  We understand that the remainder of the #Dogpile PAX elected to partake in a doughnut-fest instead.  The word on the street was that #Dogpile was extra gloomy that morning, but Wilson seemed very relaxed and well-rested.

Earthworm led an inspiring 3rd F starting 20 minutes prior to #Gridiron. Participants focused on leadership qualities of Daniel, noting in particular how Daniel overlooked personal slights against himself, while pushing back against things he viewed as slights against God.

4/26 — Hardywood Twilight 4 Miler (F3Richmond is Sponsor and Has Tent)
4/27 — the #Punisher 0530
4/28 — the #noToll 0530
4/29 — the #SourceOfTruth 0530
4/30 — #45MinutesOfMary
5/1 — #RAMM (run starting at Mary Munford ES)
5/2 — RUGGED MANIAC + normal bootcamps



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