Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Surprise, surprise, surprise



5 strong men posted to the Gloom, here’s how it went down

The Thang

Mosey to the field behind the school


20x SSH

25x Hillbillies

20x Crab Cakes

30x Little Baby Crunches

Mosey to the track

Joey Logano

4 laps around track, each corner do 40 lbc’s

Leaders rotate back to last guy each lap

40 hello dollies

40 deep knee bends

40 carolina dry docks


Triple Nickle

Moses Malones

step jumps (on tire)

jog around press box

Mosey to parking lot


Johnny Cash

Rotate through Pax (2x)



BT was a little disappointed when he realized Ricky Bobby was not posting on his big day.  Tomorrow Baby!

Welcome to Chum Bucket for posting at SOT for the first time.

The Pax stumbled upon a surprise guest in the press box next to the football field.  YHC returned to the AO this evening and left a couple of items that might help a brother out.  We’ll see what happens.

Hardywood 4 miler Sunday afternoon 5:30 p.m.

See you next time!



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