Some of the PAX gathered at 0640 for 20 minutes of 3rd F “Pre-Game Gut-Check” (more below in Moleskin). A glorious morning was revealed by the rising sun as Loose Goose planted the Shovel Flag and the ranks of the PAX doubled to a Faithful 8. And 8 became 9 after Swirly posted after racing over from the beat down at #DogPile.
Mosey to far parking lot in front of SPMS
20X SSHs
20X Don Qioxotes
20X Freddy Mercurys
20X Low Slow Squats
20X Mountain Climbers
20X Merkins
20X Carolina Dry Docks
Lunge walk to Flag Poles (curb at front entrance way to SPMS)
20X Merkins
20X Dips
Pledge of Allegiance
Mosey to Field Events venue at front GridIron
6 Minutes of Mary and Superman
60 seconds LBCs
60 seconds of Flutter Kicks
60 seconds of Freddy Mercurys
60 seconds of Dollys
60 seconds of Rosalitas
60 seconds of Weezy Jeffersons
Superman with rendition of Greatest American Hero theme song
Mosey (short stroll a/k/a #DaisyChain) to NW corner of front GridIron
Four Corner Lindsays/40s
Corner 1 – 30 Merkins and 10 Imperial Squat Walkers
Corner 2 – 25 Merkins and 15 ISWs
Corner 3 – 20 Merkins and 20 ISWs
Corner 4 – 15 Merkins and 25 ISWs
Corner 1 – 10 Merkins and 30 ISWs
Mini-Plankorama ending with Marching Planks
Onto the track for 440
Karaoke right, lunge walks, high skips, lunge walks, Karaoke left, lunge walks, high skips, lunge walks
Daisy Chain to Field Events venue
20X Merkins
20X Upward Thrusts
20X Merkins
20X Upward Thrusts
20X LBCs
20X Rosalitas
30 seconds of Partner Leg Lift Pushes
Mosey to Pouncey Tract parking lot
Bleeder informed the PAX that F3 Richmond is now 6 months strong. T-Claps to the LEAP Team that planted the first Shovel Flag for the “Inaugural Workout” at the GridIron on September 20, 2014, and in particular to OBT, Blue, The Mighty Lance, Nancy Drew, Cauliflower, Sir Topham Hat, Disney, White Shoe, MacGruber, Cong Li, and Costco for getting us started the first two weeks at GridIron.
3rd F “Pre-Game Gut-Check” – we looked at a “reluctant leader” from the Old Testament. Moses: a self-professed “nobody,” without authority, lacking credibility, tongue-tied, and deeply fearful; and yet the man who God chose to lead His people from Egyptian bondage to the gates of the Promised Land. From our weakness God displays His might.
Swirly turned in a quality double-dip – T-Claps. The frontier at GridIron always keeps its lights on.
40 year age differential between Cheeta (Johnsonville 2.1) and the War Daddys. Cheetah – thanks for your leadership on the Pledge!
Someone needs to tie Earthworm’s wrists behind his head during ISWs. Clearly he escaped the intense criticism of Conspiracy – the arbiter of proper form. BTW: Is Conspiracy missing; is there a need for an #APB? Or is the rumor true – he’s too smoked by the DogPile to double-dip?
Rest Stop’s name belies his #youngmotor – glad to have a F3 Raleigh transplant even if Cheetah stole his War Baby status. We expect some strong EHing on his college and work buddies.
TYA and Bleeder battling it out for most posts – neck and neck. TYA seems to be F3’s “Bill James” – #Prof.Sabermetrics.
We learned J’ville needs a watch to keep count. He brings the pain with his 60 second Mary counts that felt like 90. But the PAX had to wrest control a la #Al Haig when J’ville’s recovery count was too slow.
Loose Goose took out the BOM with his usual strong prayer.
Coffeteria at the DailyGrind followed for some solid 2nd F to complement the strong dosages of the 1st and 3rd Fs today. Can the exhortation “Don’t tell Lindsay” be added to the Lexicon as a synonym for injury – “help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up?”
Philippians 4:13
1 Comment
Well done, Earthworm, both on the beatdown and the backblast!