Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Four of the Faithful, including Zook from Charlotte, gathered in the rain. Conditions were wet, and the PAX was tempted to temporarily expand the AO to include the privately-owned artificial turf fields next door.  Self-restraint prevailed, however (or perhaps it was more that Earthworm could sense an impending Beast).


Mosey from parking lot to the Pillars and then slalom the Pillars down and back.


20X Don Quixote
20X Deep Squats
20X Imperial Walkers

Pillars Medley —
Individual post up to Pillars – 80 Pillars; 20 per Pax
— Pillar 1: Merkins; Pillar 2: Seated Chair; Pillar 3: LBCs; and Pillar 4: Rosalitas
Reset to Pillars 5 – 8
— Pillar 5: Roslaitas; Pillar 6: Merkins; Pillar 7: Seated Chair; Pillar 8: LBCs
Reset to Pillars 9 – 12
— Pillar 9: LBCs; Pillar 10: Roslatas; Pillar 11: Merkins; Pillar 12: Seated Chair
Reset to Pillars 13 – 16
— Pillar 13: Seated Chair; Pillar 14: LBCs; Pillar 15: Rosalitas; Pillar 16: Merkins
— Rinse and Repeat for 5 sets through Pillar 80 (with Merkins mix for each of 5 sets)
Mosey to Tennis Courts for karaokes, high knees, lunges, and bear crawls with assortment of planks

Mosey to parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary and Merkins

Mosey to bleachers for 5 sets of dips with Imperial Squat Walkers and decline Merkins

Mosey to pull up bars for pull ups, Merkins, deep squats, chin ups, military press.

Mosey to parking lot pavilion for COT.


The majority in shorts – Spring has arrived in Richmond.

Glad to have Zook (#SoccerDad) join us this morning while in town with his family for the Jefferson Cup.

No double-dippers from DogPile posting today – we missed you.

A set back for J’ville – return of the rib cage pain; nonetheless, he #PlayedWithPain and even picked up the fourth quarter Q. Will his LOML ever let him hike again?

Lug Nut somehow escaped injury when Earthworm’s bar support failed. After #TradingPaint Lug Nut flung forward and Earthworm gained a muddy posterior prompting Zook to ask how Earthworm got his handle. Thankfully, Lug Nut’s race car driving career remains promising despite the trauma.

Positive discussion was had concerning the addition of a 15 – 30 minute 3rd F gut-check before the GridIron – stay tuned.

John 15:5


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  1. Somebody is going to have to draw me a map to explain the pillar workout, and I’m glad I missed the violation of Lug Nut. We should talk about the 3F comment on Weds night. I’m very interested.