Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Six adventurous F3 faithful posted for an early morning run in RVA.  Weather in all our minds was 70 and sunny, but in reality, the mercury rose to only ONE degree at the start of the run.

The Thang:

Fox Chase: 2 Chasers, head from shovel flag towards Grove Avenue, take a right on Grove and turnaround at Malvern.  4 Foxes take a jog around the school and then a left onto Grove.  All run to intersection of Grove and Three Chopt,  turn around, run around the school and regroup at the shovel flag.


Today was a day of 1’s

1 degree Fahrenheit when we started out the run.  We were all well bundled up and were probably carrying an extra 10-15 pounds each of clothing and comfort gear.  Nobody was any worse for the wear from the cold weather.

1 fox survived the chase, congratulations Oyster.   Lugnut, Bleeder and Swirly were all caught on the way back to the school on Grove.  Bleeder wins the stubborn fox award today.  As TYA and BT approached Bleeder, Bleeder picked the pace up, accelerated up the hill and held off the capture for a good 200 yards.  Swirly continues to get overtaken at precisely the same spot on the course each time.  I am not sure how that happens?

1 Chaser pulled away and carried the pace.  Brain Tumor is getting stronger by the day

1 shovel flags left at the AO until TYA turned back from his drive home and retrieved the flag

1 PAX member who spent a good portion of the night fighting his food from the night before, but still posted because he is trying to hit all six workouts this week.  Good luck tomorrow Lugnut, finish off that six pack challenge!

1 QIC, who was shocked when he hit the corner of Westmoreland and Grove and saw five cars waiting for the workout.  The QIC was expecting to see one (maybe two) car awaiting the workout given the temperature.  The power of F3 and the strength of the men in the PAX is astounding.  The tougher the challenge, the more determined the PAX are.

11 Combination of the temperature and the wind speed by the end of the run, 4 degrees with 7 MPH winds.  Not sure what the windchill was, but it was pretty damned cold.  Despite the weather, the PAX hung out in the cold for about 10 minutes after the run, getting a little second F in.

111 temperature difference that TYA experienced in short hour.  1 degree outside at the start of the run, then a nice steamy bath dialed up to 112 degrees.  Nice and toasty (sorry for the bad mental image).

Pleasure to work out with the group this morning.  See you in the Gloom next week for another RAMM!!!



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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Brothers, great work this morning. Days like today are the days when the race is won!

  2. Excellent run today fella’s – thanks for continuing to inspire, support, and push me to be the best man I can be.

  3. That was a great run. I was pushing as hard as I could to catch Oyster, but he was having nothing of it. Mean, Mean Stride all the way to the shovel flag. Can’t wait to see Lugnut roll in for the 6-pack completion!

  4. T-claps to all of you for posting and gutting it out for what we’re claiming is the coldest F3 Nation workout ever! I’m hoping to make it back to RAMM very soon

  5. Nice use of #1 TYA. Great work today guys, thanks for the motivation and inspiration.

    “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”
    -Steve Jobs

    I think that sums us up.

  6. Great way to end the week fellas. Enjoyed hearing from co-workers talk about how cold it was today.