Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

It’s kind of a hill


12 posted for what might have been a downpour but ended up being a downright pleasant morning.  Spirits were high as YHC started an industry standard warm-up and then headed for the playground.


Mosey to lower field to learn it was closed.  YHC wonders if this is because of our intrepid bunch of ground scratchers.  Mosey to field inside track for COP:  SSH, clerkins, sit-ups, mtn climbers

Mosey to playground for 3x:  10 supine pull-ups, 20 dips, 20 marching planks

Mosey to baseball field for quick dash through the woods and back to the park where we ascended “the hill” (more of a bump in the field).

3x: 10 burpees, run to sand volleyball court, 10 jump squats, run back up hill

3x:  10 diamonds, run to volleyball court, 15 mtn climbers, run back up hill

Hand-off to Conspiracy

Mosey over to the pull-up bars via the trail:

HIT Deconstructed Burpees – 30 secs on, 15 sec break after each.

– air squats
– thrusts

– push ups

– thrusts
– squat jumps (whoops, we forgot these)
– pull-ups (with spot, if needed)
– burpees
– chin-ups (with spot, if needed)
Mosey over to the shovel flag.
– There’s interest in doing the the Speak Up 5K as a group.  (Not really a CSAUP because it’s not stupid nor pointless). We’ll look into t-shirts. Scheduled for Sept 12, 2015.
– The Scream is designing a Richmond F3 logo for t-shirts.
– Earthworm wants a few guys to do the 4 State Challenge (hike 42 miles from VA, through MD, WV, and ending in PA) on the AT in June. http://www.backpacker.com/trips/maryland/appalachian-trail-four-state-challenge-pa-va/
– Loose Goose threw down another challenge:  100 push-ups and 30 pull-ups per day in January.

– Johnsonville lead the charge in requesting more pull-ups during our workouts. Challenge accepted!

– Great seeing Orville back.  His New Years resolution was to exercise less and eat more. Not sure he’ll get much help from us.
– We will conduct BrewThru #2 in place of our 1/22 standard 2nd F HDHH.  Stay tuned for more details, but it will start at 6 PM 1/22 at a location TBD.

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