Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Maybe the easy way isn’t the easy way


Seven faithful showed up in the #Gloom this morning at MM for a morning jog.  Weather was awesome, 70 degrees and sunny!

The Thang

Quick stretch.  Run to corner of Westmoreland and Grove.  Left on Grove.  Run to Three Chopt and back.  When you see the first guy coming back, turnaround and head back to the shovel flag.


1 minute plank

15x Hello Dolly, with a hold at the end

20x Rosalita

20x Freddy Mercury

1+ minute plank

COT and out into the day



Abacus slowed his pace down and held court with Johnsonville and TYA.  A variety of topics covered, but most important message of the day was “maybe taking the easy was is not really the easy way after all”.    Seems like we are always looking for the quick fix or the magic pill to solve our health problems or other issues.  Too often in our current society this is the way people choose to solve their problems.  The right solution is often good old fashioned hard work, ala an F3 #beatdown.


After the workout, Brain Tumor was feeling a little muscle fatigue in his hip abductors and was looking for some friendly advice on a remedy.  Several great ideas were thrown out.  Abacus first suggested that the best way to fix that was for Brain Tumor to have sex with his wife everyday (TYA wondered if he was having abductor issues if he needed to have sex with BT’s  wife).  After that Abacus demonstrated a few good stretches and exercises to help.  Johnsonville then chimed in with a suggestion.  Bleeder noted that the stretch that Johnsonville was demonstrating looked more like J’ville sexually assaulting the tree than a stretch.

Bleeder sent YHC the below motivational poster in a email message.  I was totally confused by the message because the subject of the message was “Believe in yourself”.  This is not typically the type of message that Bleeder would send me.  When I looked at the poster,  I quickly realized that the subtitle of the message was the part that he was highlighting for me.



Why run with the group

We are now four weeks into our running regime and I think things are going pretty well.  When we first started the group, I really wondered why a group run was necessary and how it would help.  After going through the first month, I now see the light!  I run by myself three or four times a week. On my individual runs, I may increase my pace or my distance on occasion, but my individual workout is pretty consistent.  I have seen many benefits to the group runs thusfar: 1) I push myself harder #ISI 2) there is a gauge to see my progress 3) I see other people, some faster and some slower mentally battling through their run and it inspires me 4) great fellowship before and after the runs.


So, come on out and join us for a Friday run.


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  1. TYA, your details were not only accurate, but multiple times I busted out laughing reading this, Brilliant BackBlast!

  2. Well said, TYA! I, for one, was kind of dreading my first run a couple of weeks ago as running isn’t exactly my Dolphin. I ran the fastest miles that I’ve run in 5 years last Friday. This group is absolutely pushing me.