Sixteen of the faithful posted for a cold and frosty start to a great workout. Three virgin Qs led the workout, injecting new energy every 20 minutes.
Q1 – Lockjaw
Warm-up lap and mosey to the soccer field
-15 SSH
-15 Imperial Walkers
-13 Merkins
Duck, Duck, Loose Goose
The PAX formed a circle and assumed a plank. The goose ran the circumference of the circle, while the PAX rotated through plank, Yankee Aggressors, Southern Gentleman, LBC, and Freddy Mercurys. Goose names another goose and the cycle repeats until everyone runs.
Mosey over to the track and form two columns to do an 800 meter Indian run.
Pulled over by Pelosi 5-0…
Q2 – Pelosi 5-0
Modified Ark Loader
Mosey down to the soccer field
1. Karaoke facing left to the 50, sprint second 50, 5 burpees, plank
2. Karaoke facing right to the 50, spring the second 50, 5 burpees, plank
3. Backwards run to the 50, sprint the second 50, 5 burpees, plank
4. Leapfrogs to the 35, sprint the second 50, 5 burpees, plank
5. Lunges to the 50, sprint the second 50, 5 burpees, plank
6. Lunges to the 50, sprint the second 50, plank
Wicked Googly
Mosey behind the school to the bus loop. Partner up. One person exercises while the other runs from one end of the pillars, weaving in and out to the other end and sprints back.
Exercises are:
10 LBCs
10 Merkins
Repeat until finished.
Saved by the bell. Over to Slater…
Q3 – Slater
Mosey over to the softball field’s bleachers
Everyone finds a bleacher to step up onto.
1. Step ups on the right OYO (20)
2. Dips OYO (20)
3. Step ups on the left OYO (20)
4. Dips OYO (20)
Mosey back around the school to the soccer field hill.
Jacob’s Ladder – Sprint about 30 yards across the field and up the hill. At the top of the hill perform a luge crunch. Run back down the hill and back to the starting position. Repeat for a total of 7, incrementing the luge crunches each time.
Mosey back to the park and assume hold-an-elbow-down plank position for a minute.
Heavy dew point and melting frost left the PAX soaked with 20 lb. water logged shoes.
Comparisons were made between Lockjaw’s cadence capabilities and those of The Yankee Aggressor. PAX recommends dance instruction to overcome rhythm cadence challenges. One, Two, Three, Cha, Cha, Cha….
PAX also noted Pelosi and Slater elected for “on your own” counts following Lockjaw.
Abacus was an animal on the ark loader in the lead of the crowd and accidentally throwing in double the burpees. Jacob’s ladder seemed to slow him down…a little.
Tuesday and Thursday regularly scheduled workouts await us this week, with a bonus on Friday with a running session. 5:30 am at Mary Munford Elementary. Perhaps we call it 7-Mary-3 to represent 7 minutes of COP and a 3 mile run while paying homage to CHiPs or that band from the 90s pending your generational frame of reference?