Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Does that thing have a radio in it?


13 strong posted out for another installment of kettle bell hell. Great to see all the new/newer faces posting out. The Alamo has to be the top producing FNG magnet in Richmond! YHC failed to put together any organization so here is what was thought up on the fly.

COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, , Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Box cutters, Plank jacks,

the thang: complete 4 exercises with coupon 25 reps then run lap around parking lot. Did this 5 times with Pax choice for several exercises. Triple check. Runner to end of the lot, man 2 kettle curls, man 3 kettle press. Finish out with a few more pax choice. Time was called.

Announcements: Friday happy hour at diamond billiards. Sunday 5/21 family picnic event at Bettie weaver.

Prayer Requests: to Oyster on a speedy recovery

Hermie took us out in prayer.

Make Today Awesome!  


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