Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Look Deep into My Eyes


7 intrepid enthusiasts escaped the clutches of the fartsack to embrace the Tuckahoe cold for the early workout. Here is a brief summary of tales that were told according to the boisterous K-9 in the distant gloom.

Mosey to the front of the church for introductions, disclaimers and warm ups that included DQ’s, Invisible Jump Rope, Jazzercise, Dead Man Hang, Freddies and Suzanne Summers. Continue on to the cooler side of the church.

Booyah Ladder: Partner up and perform 12 booyah merkins. Upon completion, 1 partner runs to the van and returns, while the other partner performs WW2s. After reuniting, perform 11 booyah merkins and switch. Continue this routine to 1 booyah merkin (switched from WW2’s to Lt. Dans halfway thru). Good times had by all.

4 Corners: 10 Ball Dippers, 20 American Hammers, 30 Carolina Dry Docks, 40 Monkey Humpers. 2nd round increase each exercise by 5.

11’s: Mosey to the special use parking lot. 1 donkey kick, bearcrawl to opposite side, 10 merkins, lunge back. Continue as normal 11’s go.

Mosey back to First Watch Parking Lot for 4 corners: 10 WW2’s, 20 American Hammers, 30 Flutters, 40 LBC’s.

Still time on the clock? Merkin Ring of Fire, followed by some light stretching.

Numbers, Names, Announcements:

YHC took us out

Frozen Triangle Jan. 21. Need HC for volunteers and mouths to feed.

NMS: Lite chatter this morning was made up by the constant song of the neighboring K-9 that applauded the Pax for the entire workout. Neighborhood HOA should file a complaint. Other topics discussed included home values along Tacky Light tours, proper etiquette for Suzanne Summers and tractor repairs. Coffee followed for some but good times as always on the watch.


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