Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

50% Institution Rate


A lighter than average crew gathered for this weeks episode of 45 Minutes of Mary

F-osey (Fake Mosey) towards Reveille only to turn back to Mary blacktop for COP. Various exercises to included never ending Inverted Scorpion Kicks. They went on forever because Saab and TYA weren’t counting.

Mosey over to Reveille for a Triple Check. Saab and TYA weren’t allowed to be on the same team or rotation out of fear of too much jaw jacking. P1 Run the big loop, P2 HRM’s, 3 LBC’s.

Mosey to the front of Reveille and partner up. P1 Bear Crawl the loop and P2 Squats. Round 2 P1 Crab Walk and P2 WWII’s.

Mosey down Cary Street (seemed better in YHC’s head). We waited for cars to pass to play it safe. End at the Monkey Bars by the Blacktop at Mary. Keep your same partner. P1 5 Pull Ups P2 Dips, R2 P1 5 Pull Ups P2 Merkins, R3 P1 5 Pull Ups P2 Reverse Cowgirls, R4 P1 5 Pull Ups P2 Hand Release Derkins

Mosey to street for 1 minute of stretching followed by an “all you got” to the parking lot.

Announcements – 8 Year Anniversary at Gridiron at 0730. The later start time is so the Pax from The Healing Place can attend. The Bridge this weekend, see TYA for Carpooling. The Annual Shawn G Hogan Memorial Beer Mile at Faceplants house on 10/29.

Prayer requests – Swirly’s Mother In Law is in the hospital. Prayers for guidance for the doctors and a speedy recovery.

NMS – YHC looked at the Q sheet last night about 8:30/9:00 and didn’t see anyone signed up for the Q. YHC had a dream (nightmare?) last night that he overslept his Q, but luckily that didn’t happen. It was good to see Gumbo at Mary. YHC was glad to have the opportunity to lead.


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