Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Loner Dog


YHC showed up eager to see everyone, some cars were pulling in and passing me around 5:20 and had me thinking it was going to be a good crowd at WDOG, but turned out to be a running group. 5:30 hit and no one there, YHC was dealt a loner AO today, but still ready for a beatdown. Here is what went down…

Warm up

A quick 1.5 mile run around Dogwood Dell to the Penny Stage for some Arm Circles, Helicopters, and Don Quixote’s IC

Grab a coupon and did the following exercises:

Bench x 50

Curls x 50

Shoulder Press x 50

Swings x 25

Murder Bunnies x 20 then mosey back

Squats x 50

Windshield Wipers x 50

WWIIs x 25

Merkins x 10

Mosey to the Rusty Cage

10 Pull Ups then a lap around the fire hydrant x 3

Mosey to the Amphitheatre

Box Jumps x 20

Dips x 25

LBCs x 30

Repeatooo x 3

Still some time left for a mile around eventually back to the flag!


I haven’t seen WDOG empty before, but still a solid workout! Definitely had to audible a little bit with no partner but will save that for next Q! Still set the tone for F3 as Seal Team was pulling in! SYITG!


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  1. That is a first since I have joined F3… 1 at WDOG. Great workout routine Shiplap! Respect!

  2. Big Tennessee on

    Well done, Ship! Staying up on the couch waiting for teenagers til midnight did me in ?