Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bootcampers with a running problem


a solid showing of 9 bootcampers and 6 runners made there way to a misty SOT. Runners took off at 8:45 pace (ahh hem OC) for Midlo middle. It was a nice surprise to find the track unlocked and ready. 5x800m with ~1min recovery between sets. Mosey quickly back to the flag and we were 4 minutes late only to find an empty parking lot. ~5.5 total miles. way to crush it guys.

YHC took us out in prayer

I think Don signed up for next weeks Q. something about a magic mile. I think I also heard something about some merlot being left on the track. My high school coach always said, “if you don’t throw up, your not trying hard enough.


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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for leading, Rosetta – as a running buddy of mine often says, “that one will pay dividends”