Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dora and the beast



It was a warm and sultry morning. Well maybe not sultry but we were on Sultree Drive. YHC cruised in a it is somewhat alarming pace 30 seconds after 530. Hop out of the car and get right to work with a side straddle hops and some stretching.


The Dora was at the bottom of Satan‘s hill and included Carolina dry docks, monkey Humpers, little baby crunches. Move onto the beast which was done the hard way. A six pack of stacked side straddle hops, Squats, Merkins, double count mountain climbers, World War II’s, hello dollies. Have to go pick up the cones so do that the hard way too with Six Burpee’s at each stop. Back to the flag for a circle of Mary and a mixup of some nice abs exercises.Name Arama, number Rama, prayers for honeymoons family with Rosco taking us out on an excellent word.


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  1. Great job Herme-san! It is hard to believe you can work up a sweat in 20 degree weather, but I did. You showed no mercy in true Cobra-Kai style.