Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pushing pipe


A PAX of ten posted to the first Punisher of 2021 – a good start to the year. Circle up in the parking lot for warmups with SSHs, IWs, Helicopters, DQs, Russian Soldiers, and Arm Circles.

Purchased a few lengths of galvanized piping to potentially use in a basement project but these were not a good fit, so redirected these for use at the workout. With good attendance we turned some pipe “weightlifting” into a series of partner routines in the front parking lot. Make two groups of three and one group of four. One guy runs a lap of the lot while another completes lifting reps and a third completes LBCs. Rotate through until all have completed the round. Repeato, but switch up the lifting exercise. Lifts – with 36 inch galvanized pipe – included Overhead Presses, Curls, Bench Presses, Overhead Squats, Skull Splitters, and Pullovers.

Remain in place for a couple of 4 minute Tabatas alternating two exercises. First Tabata involved alternating Reverse Crunches and Hollow Holds. Second Tabata alternated Forward Lunges and Curtsy Lunges. Phone died and Johnsonville counted.

Move to the grass for several rounds of Elbow Plank holds with PAX count. Hop up and COT in place.

Great job guys. Welcome back Nightcrawler and Sonny.


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1 Comment

  1. I guess I’ve reached the point in my life where I get smoked running around the parking lot by someone one-third my age.