Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Nearly Concentric Squares

map with concentric squares

A coincidental 13 gathered on Friday the 13th and shunned the European measuring system in favor of imperial measuring units. Surprisingly, no mileage was called today, just pattern based instructions. The goal was somewhat concentric squares. Here’s how it went down:

The Route
– Use north on westmoreland and west on Grove as fixed axis
– Go north 1 block then turn right
– Turn right after 1 block then right on Grove
– Right on westmoreland and proceed 2 blocks north then take a right
– Right after two blocks then back on grove
– Continue increasing by a block in each direction until time runs out

Numbers, Names, no one touched my microphone, and YHC took us out while practicing social distancing.

As you will see in the image above, this worked pretty well except it started to get boring on lap 5 & 6. As Faceplant put it, better then out and back on Grove.

Plenty of interesting facts and events this morning. First of all, good luck to the gentlemen that are running 50 miles (not a 50k) this weekend. Enjoy the solidarity in the woods and don’t share any camelbacks.

I also learned that Finland is cold, dark, and wet. Oh, and they have less COVID-19 cases than Virginia.

Even though Hitchhiker may look like a new man, No Tools apparently is a new man (according to Hardywood).

Handshakes, fists, and elbow bumps may be discouraged, but there has been zero CDC guidance on upright pickle pounding amongst friends.

Be safe out there gentlemen.




  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good run fella’s
    Thinking about your dad Splin tah !
    See y’all in the gloom..