Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pickleball Suicides


Five of the faithful arrived in the rainy darkness for GridIron gloom. Johnsonville (YHC) took the Q with no particular routines in mind. This is what we got into:

15x ssh; 10x merkins; Rinse and repeat 3 times (total)
10 half-burpees in cadence
other warmup stuff in cadence

Mosey to pavillion
20x dips; 10x single leg squats per leg (with back foot on bench)
20x dips; 5x single leg pistol squats (to sit and up)

Mosey to playground
3 sets of ten Australians (3 wide, 3 regular, 3 narrow, 1 hold)
Jerkins 7 to 4

Mosey to pickleball court
6 rounds of suicides, followed by planks, followed by a round of a random leg burning exercise in cadence, including shoulder taps, goblet squats, jump squats, Alabama prom dates, etc.

Mosey to schoolhouse. Traditional triple play with run around pavillion, fullter kicks, and wall sit.

ring of fire.

COT with YHC taking us out.

Moleskin — The cool weather was great, and the rain was tapering off by the time we got moving. During the 4th round of suicides, things were getting gloomier than normal. YHC asked Adderall for a 2 count. Adderall counted down to 10, then did burpees during the final 10. We don’t impress that easily. We were impressed. Great work!


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