Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

River Run Rollercoaster Sans the View


7 road warriors broke the hold this morning and started their work week off with a few miles, up and down and up and down again…The River Downs Roller Coaster was the order of the day….well, for those of us on time.

Vinny miscalculated the time it would take to make it through customs this morning and arrived a minute or so late – just enough time to catch a glimpse of Bleeder’s bright orange shirt, but not close enough to follow the scent.  Nonetheless, Vinny put in some lonely miles around the James River park.

Rosie and DeVito took off like bandits and crushed the entire roller coaster.  Way to go guys.

All in all, a great start to the week, and the sweat was rolling (and frankly, still is on YHC).  Great job guys!

Have a great day!

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Great job guys. Hopefully we can do this again when the view from the top of Queens Grant is clear and we can see across the river.

  2. Saw lots of critters eye balling me while on my solo run down by the river (not in a van). Turns out wood carvings are a thing in the suburbs. Sorry to have misjudged customs this morning. Was looking forward to Gumbo’s payback.

  3. The air was thick this morning. Great to see Bleeder out running, it’s been a while since I’ve seen him at an AO. Good running with Devito this morning, I had no intention of going that fast but he took off and I just tried to keep up for a while. Vinny, you are crushing the runs and the Summer Challenge. Keep it up.