Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Vita Course Rules the Morning


YHC morning started with a text from Swirly stating he was hitting the trail with TYA so no Big Blue. YHC gladly took pole position upon arrival at WDog and the flag was planted. 14 men arose to a glorious morning and told the fart sack, not today!!

0530….time to mosey with a few PAX coming in hot but quickly able to catch up. And it goes a little something like this….COP–Don Quixote x 10, Windmill, I mean, Helicopters x 10, Imperial Walker x 10, Copperhead Squat x 10, Flutter Kicks x 20, Freddie Mercuries x 15, SSH x 20. Done, let’s go. Mosey to the entrance of the Vida Course.

Vita Course, 5, 10, 15. At each obstacle on the Vita Course, stop and perform x5 burpees, x10 2 count American Hammers, x 15 Squats. So a majority of PAX members flew right back our first stop….in fairness, no obstacle. Only a stretching exercise. Thanks to Hardywood for sounding the alarm. YHC lost count of the number of burpees but respect to the PAX. Evolution finished with approx. 8 minutes till 0615. Time to mosey. Straight line to The Lawn at The Carillon.

Lawn Sprints. Attempting to get 4 in before the timer goes off. Run the distance of The Lawn with 15 second rest till another run. PAX got in 3 runs across The Lawn. Times up. Mosey back to the flag.

Number-ama, Name-r-ama, Announcements= Wilson, Golf Tournament May 18th. Puppy Pile May 19th at 0705.

YHC took us out!

NMS: Shakedown assumed we were headed to The Lake. He is familiar with YHC’s Q but not today. Originally wanted to circle around RVA Police Memorial but settled next to. RESPECT for those people that protect us in Richmond and surrounding counties!

YHC almost lost it on the count during Freddie Mercuries. YHC heard Hardywood say, “Hold on.” YHC managed a deep breath and recovered. COP completed with 0 errors!! Reminds YHC of his first Q! Hardywood, YHC hears ya!

14 PAX members at WDog=STRONG WORK!  YHC knew Vita Course would consume most of the morning but had to get in a heart max exercising. WAY TO FINISH MEN!!

Thank you for following. YHC has a lot of friends going through valley’s right now. YHC counts his blessings every morning-health, my M (far superior species), children-and the ability to lead you men with F3. My world is right and there is nothing YHC would take for it! Gentlemen, count’em because it can always be worse!

Have a excellent Wednesday and only those who post understand!

Loud and Proud.



About Author


  1. Vinny’s first official trip around the VITA courtse as a member of the PAX. Mundane turns to burn quickly. Enjoyed the opportunity to check in with various PAX members along the way. Hardywood’s LPGA knowledge base is second only to Ron Sirak.

  2. I appreciate your compliment and I’ll pass it along to the rest of the team at the Babe Diedrickson Research Center for Human Performance Think Tank.

  3. Great Q Flatline. We have to have completed 100 burpees. Way to crush it Sippy and Tobit. You guys were flying today. I have already had two breakfasts. There is probably a brunch and a lunch in the near future.

    Get it all out and dig a little deeper.

  4. Good time Flatline. As always, I’m glad I posted this morning.

    Praying for your friends homie. I’m also praying for patience here on the job site. Getting mad isn’t gonna make them do it any quicker or better…

    At least 100 burpees.
