Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Recovery at River Run


2 of SOJ’s finest posted this morning to River Run for a little recovery and exploration.  The clock struck 0530 and off we went into Tarrington with 2 goals… move forward for a few miles and try to avoid any major hills.  YHC logged about 4.25 miles while exploring a few new roads.  LugNut did his thing and looked strong at the finish as we came back together.

COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and a quick prayer from YHC of thankfulness for everyone’s safety through the CSAUP and for the great opportunity we all have to be a part of F3 and do the fun and crazy things we do.

Have a great Monday men.

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. Great job LugNut! And, thanks for posting – pretty sure I would have packed it up and headed home for coffee if you didn’t.