Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Live Free or Die Hard


In the 4th installment of the franchise, and the first to take place on the 4th of July and not during the Christmas season, some terrorist group creates chaos by messing with communications, transportation and electricity. I tried to prepare our group of nine for those circumstances.

We moseyed to the front of the school for some warmups on SSH, IW, DQ, Merkins, Plank Jacks and LBCs. We then went around the fence at the bus loop and took on the hill between schools. Like the movie (and life), this hill has its ups and downs. We did 11’s of Jump Squats and HRMs and the exercise you started with depended on whether your birthday had occurred or not. That made some uncomfortable. This was a long set of 11s.

We then ran to the back blacktop and worked on modes of transportation: bunny hops, bear crawls, crab walks, lunges and running and we did different versions two times.

To eventually work our way back to Heartbreak Ridge, and thinking of the summer, we hit the softball field and did 7’s of burpees and merkins.

We then moseyed to the top of Heartbreak Ridge and reenacted an elevator scene wear McLane takes out the attractive double agent Maggie Q. We crawl beared down the hill and ran back up twice.

After moseying back to the flag, we did some flutters, reverse crunches and LBCs to end the day.

I don’t think we learned anything today but we did get about 2 miles in. A good day to die hard is coming.

Prayers for my father-in-law John and Wildcat.

Enjoy the day and thanks for letting me lead.


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