Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Call me Elf one more time…


Today’s backblast title brings back a reference to Elf and the great scene with Will Ferrell and Peter Dinklage. “He’s an angry elf.” Just classic. But today, YHC was an angry elf and he needed to take his frustrations out with some exercise. YHC is appreciative of the PAX who came along for the ride and tolerated stupidity.

Warmarama: Jog to the other side of the school with some side shuffles, high knees, butt kickers, walking Ukranian soldiers along the way. Then stopping for SSH, merkins, dead man hangs, cherry pickers, merkins, scorpions, Fudd’s wife/down dog and off we go.

Thang 1:

  • 5 rounds. 10 burpees each round. After the burpees run back and forth across the parking lot.
  • 4 rounds: 20 merkins each round. After the merkins, run back and forth across the parking lot.
  • 3 rounds: 30 2 count lunges. After the merkins, run back and forth across the parking lot.
  • 2 rounds: 40 WWII’s. After the WWIIs, run back and forth across the parking lot.
  • 1 round: 75 squats: back and forth across the parking lot.

Native American run to the bottom of light pole alley. Last runner does 3 merkins.

Thang 2:

  • 5 merkins at each light pole (3 total), Bernie back to the bottom of the hill
  • 5 merkins, 5 monkey humpers. Run backwards up the hill, run forward down the hill.
  • 5 merkins, 5 monkey humpers, 5 American hammers (2 count). Run forward up the hill, Bernie back down.
  • 5 merkins, 5 monkey humpers, 5 American hammers, 10 flutter kicks (2count). Run backwards up the hill, forward down.

Native American run around the parking lot with 3 merkins for the last runner.

Circle up for some Peter Parkers, merkins and Box cutters until time was called.

It was a full 45-minute workout for the PAX today and mumblechatter was light as YHC worked out his frustration. YHC is thankful to have friends this morning and as that would have sucked to complete solo.


  • F2 Event at Horner Park – June 2
  • Convergence Monday with some pre-workout Ruck activities led by DTH
  • Get out there and support the new F3 Amelia location.

Meatball took us out.


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