Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Well, that idea sounded better in my head.


YHC grabbed the Q at 5:29am and we launched one minute earlier with giddy excitement.

Warmarama – SSH, Don Qui-Low-Te’s, Copper Head Squats, Ukrainian soldiers, Merkins, Hand Release Merkins, etc. Meatball kept the count on point for most of the Warmarama.

Thang 1: Partner up – each person running up and down the steps 10 times while the other person does merkins.

Mozey around the track with 15 burpees at the corner.

Thang 2: Chabata Time – steps up on the bleachers, 8 rounds.

Super Secret Dora – 200 arm circles, 400 squats, 600 toe taps, 800 calf raises. Other partner runs 1/2 way up the parking lot hill.

Mozey back to the flag. Numbers, prayers and announcements.

Great conversation today and enjoyed spending time with Singer, DK and Meatball. YHC is better for it.


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