Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Why am I doing this hill again?


I have a new idea, let’s do this route where we get to go up a Raintree hill twice and never go down it. We can also find more hills later as we run around in circles. Sound good?

Seven of us followed my dizzying 4 different circles route without error and enjoyed ~4.5-5 miles while Blue Moon continued his comeback routine.

There was one error, YHC picking this route.

A good group at Dunkin’ followed. Looking forward to Pigskin and Gomer returning from Honduras and hearing about their trip.

February has a few different challenging events for this group. Come join in!

Feb 10: Frozen Triangle CSAUP starts at 6AM at Dogpile

Feb 17: Oak Island Race-Blue Moon (10k) and Gypsy (Half) (along with others from F3)

Feb 25: Bear Creek 10 Mile- Whitesnake and Upchuck (along with others from F3)


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