Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Brocode + Dorsiflexion + Contagion


Four West End redwoods got together to find out what we have been missing on Brocode runs, discover one of YHC favorite words, and learn about economics – almost just like any Currahee.

YHC took us out. Prayers for and hope for the future and that energized overreactors dont precipitate decline.


  • The bridge tommorrow
  • Currahee CSAUP: ruck + bootcamp + Run

NMS Counter to some recent bloviating, BroCode is a led run. Yes a PAX can pick the same route and not claim the Q but it requires someone to write a BB and therefore its not really that hard to choose a route now is it.

What was most exciting today is that Pigskin decided that he would run… and he did for all 4 miles at a 9 min pace. YHC also enjoyed some healing dorsiflexion – coming back with a PRODUCTIVE run

TIL Lighthouse has a soft part for dumb people in a position of power. We can all agree that mistakes might be made, but you cannot hide from ones that almost bring down a financial system.


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